Effective Tips to Get More out of LinkedIn Learning
Effective Tips to Get More out of LinkedIn Learning

Effective Tips to Get More out of LinkedIn Learning

The LinkedIn Learning platform is designed to equip you with the skills you need to run a thriving business. You should, however, take certain steps if you are to enjoy all the benefits of LinkedIn Learning.

Here are seven tips that will help you benefit from LinkedIn Learning.

    1. Enroll in Classes

To get the most out of LinkedIn Learning’s vast learning resources, you should take classes from the platform’s 5,000-plus course library. If you’re busy and do not have time to take long lessons, LinkedIn has made it easy for you. All classes are broken into small chunks that you can watch from any device, both offline and online. This means you can take your classes whenever you have a bit of free time, be it while you commute to work or relax at home on Sundays.

    1. Keep Your LinkedIn Profile Updated

One of the core features of Aprendizaje en LinkedIn is the recommendation engine which points you to courses that are most relevant to you. However, for the recommendation engine to work effectively, you should keep your profile up-to-date with the latest information on your current business undertaking and current role. Besides, you should include skills that accurately reflect your skillset. This will help the engine recommend the most relevant courses and it will help you present yourself and your business better on LinkedIn.

    1. Select Skills That You’re Interested in Learning

On your homepage, you’ll be asked to identify the skills that interest you the most. If you want the recommendation engine to point you to the courses that align with your needs, you should choose the skills that you want to improve. This is the fastest way to find the most relevant courses based on your interests.

    1. Watch Saved Classes Whenever You Get Time

If you notice an interesting class but unfortunately don’t have sufficient time to take it, you can save the class by clicking on the “save” button. You will then see the saved courses the next time you log into LinkedIn Learning – on the right end of the screen. This’ll remind you that you need to revisit the class.

    1. Share with Others in Your Network

If you find a given course especially helpful, you should share it with your LinkedIn network. Sharing the course can help others in your network who share your interests. It can also inspire other people in your network to share the courses that they find useful, and this can give you insights into courses you should take next.

    1. Expand Your LinkedIn Network

You should cultivate a network that reflects your actual professional network. The recommendation engine can then point you to courses that are popular in your network. Moreover, the content you prefer on LinkedIn helps inform the kind of recommendations you get. Therefore, being active on the platform translates to you getting more relevant LinkedIn Learning recommendations.

    1. Follow Influencers in Your Field

When you follow influencers and companies that you either admire or are in the same line of business with, LinkedIn Learning develops a more accurate picture of your interests and aspirations. Therefore, it recommends courses most relevant to you, meaning you get to learn the precise skills you need to take your business to the next level.

If your business is in Ventura County, you can access more business resources via Business Forward Ventura County. Business Forward is a business resource hub that links businesses to the vast business support resources available across the County of Ventura. Contact us today to learn more!

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