Pro Tips to Choose the Right Social Media Platform for Your Business
Data from Statista shows that more than 60 percent of marketing professionals strongly believe that social media is an important marketing tool. Additionally, about 70 percent of customers say social media enhances their interaction with brands and businesses. This means you cannot afford to ignore the benefits of social media for your business. With that in mind, here are tips for choosing the right social media platform for your business.
Which Social Media Should I Use for My Business?
When choosing social media platforms, the audience is the most important consideration. If your target audience doesn't actively use a given channel, relying on that channel should be out of the question regardless of the size of that social media platform. For instance, Facebook hosts the highest number of active users compared to any other platform, but if your audience uses, say Snapchat, that's where you should be. However, because the average internet user has accounts on eight social media platforms, you should consider other factors when choosing a social media platform. The top platforms include:
- Facebook - This platform's active monthly users exceed 2.89 billion
- YouTube - This platform hosts over 2 billion users, and over 74 percent of American adults watch videos on it.
- WhatsApp - Over 2 billion individuals actively use WhatsApp globally.
- Instagram - This platform hosts over 1.2 billion users, with 500 million viewing Instagram stories daily.
Consider Your Business
Additionally, consider your business type, your business offering, and your brand personality. For instance, if yours is a highly visual brand, say you're a graphic designer, you should explore Instagram, Dayflash, and DeviantArt, among other platforms that render themselves well to visuals. Conversely, if yours is a B2B business, LinkedIn may be more appropriate. You essentially need to consider the channels that are well suited for your business and understand how the essence of your business affects your social media options.
Research Your Competitors and Others in Your Industry
When developing your social media strategy, you should undertake competitor analysis. Such an analysis will provide you with many insights, including:
- The networks they're using
- What's working or not working
- Audience engagement in each platform
While you shouldn't blindly copy your competitors' strategy, seeing what your competitors are doing can help you make informed decisions.
Align with Your Overall Social Marketing Goals
Your objectives in using social media will help determine the kind of content you create and the platforms you choose. Here are some of the benefits of social media for business:
- Enhance your customer service by providing another avenue where your customers can contact you for questions, concerns, and complaints.
- Connect with new audiences.
- Increase brand awareness.
For instance, if you aim to enhance your customer support, you should consider using platforms that optimize engagement with other users, such as Twitter and Facebook.
More: 10 Frequently Asked Questions about Instagram for Business Owners
Understand the Different Platforms and their Users
Each social media network has a unique personality and way of communicating. For instance, LinkedIn is great for sharing company information and professional expertise, while Twitter is good for trending topics and conversations. Ensure you understand the platform before you start creating social media content.
Consider your Available Resources
To enjoy social media's benefits, you have to commit to tending to and nurturing it. If you just have a single person who can work for only five hours on your social media platforms, you should only stick to one or two channels that enable you to reach the widest audience. Conversely, if someone manages your accounts full-time, you should consider having multiple accounts.
Additional Resources
Research shows that social media is increasingly influencing consumers' purchase decisions. However, different social media platforms are suited to different businesses and industries. For more information on how to leverage social media to build your business in Ventura County, contact us at Business Forward Ventura County.
Also Read: 7 Tips to Effectively Market Your B2B Brand on Social Media in 2022
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