How to Obtain a Business License in Ventura County
Are you looking to start your own business? Perhaps the recent pandemic has triggered something in you which wants you to finally start that business you’ve always dreamed about. Perhaps you are ready to jump in with two feet into your new company and deliver quality services and products to the community. If you’re passionate about getting started, you should know that you need to get a business license first. No matter how small your business starts out or how large the potential, you need a license to legally operate as a business in Ventura County.
The question of whether you need a business license and what kind should be answered early in the process to ensure everything runs smoothly.
What is a business license?
A business license is a permit issued by the government that gives permission for a business to operate within the jurisdiction. Oftentimes, multiple business licenses are needed depending on what the business does or sells. A business license registers your new business as an individual entity that is separate from you. This is essential when considering your legal risks and benefits.
Steps to Obtaining a Business License Within Ventra County
For a comprehensive guide including all steps to obtaining a business license within Ventura County CLICK HERE.
1.Determine the business name
2.Determine the business entity
3.Confirm with the city your business will be located in for information on all permits and licenses that may apply
4.Apply for a Fictitious Business Name if the business will be conducted under any name other than your surname
5.Advertise the Fictitious Business Name in a local newspaper
6.Contact the California Department of Tax and Fee Administration for information on whether your business will need to collect and file sales and use tax. Apply for a seller’s permit if your business will be reselling merchandise.
7.Apply for a business license with the city or unincorporated area of the county that the business will be located in
Once you’ve obtained your business license in Ventura County, be sure to take note of the expiration date. Keep in mind that you may need to renew these licenses annually. You may also need to schedule frequent inspections or meet certain requirements.
If you’re overwhelmed by this process and are concerned about making a mistake, or you just want to apply and get your license as soon as possible, we can help. Take advantage of the local resource available to you! At Business Forward Ventura County, we help businesses get on their feet so that they can enjoy the commercial delights of Ventura County.
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