It’s Almost the New Year - Grow Your Business in Ventura County Today!

It’s Almost the New Year – Grow Your Business in Ventura County Today!

It’s safe to say that 2020 has been a trying year for us all. While some businesses struggled, others took flight and launched into the new normal. As 2021 steadily approaches, it’s time to ask ourselves what we can do for our businesses to help grow and excel into the new year. When you’re looking to grow your business in Ventura County, take a look at these tips.

Tips to Grow Your Business

Conduct a thorough company-wide audit. Take a close look at your internal processes. Ensure that you’re utilizing your resources to the best of your ability, and evaluate if any tools could be optimized or removed. As you clean up your procedures, you may find gaps and overlaps that waste time and money. Take this time to streamline processed and only pay for resources that you are finding useful.

Hire the right team. When putting together a team for your business, you want to be sure you have the best people for the job. Don’t just look for people with the right skills and experience – ensure they will fit into the culture of your business. Go beyond job boards and tap into your network. It’s hard to judge people by their resumes alone, so schedule Zoom or remote meeting if possible.

Get online customer reviews. Word of mouth is one of the most powerful ways of promoting your business to the right people. Testimonials on your own website are great, but start to collect them for platforms such as Google, Facebook, and Yelp. These websites can increase your exposure and drive more local customers to your business.

Upsell and cross-sell.. Upselling is getting your customers to purchase add-on products. Cross-selling is getting them to buy entirely separate products that may still benefit them in some way. A great way to go about doing both is through checkout pages and follow-up emails. Use testimonials or blurbs from customers to inspire additional purchases.

Looking for assistance in growing your business in Ventura County? Don’t hesitate to get started! Business Forward Ventura County works with a network of support and direct technical assistance providers designed to help businesses start, grow and prosper. Contact us today for more information on how we can help.

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