Business Blog

business in ventura county

How Much Money Should I Invest in My Business in Ventura County?

Starting a business in Ventura County takes plenty of determination and capital. For enterprises that require office space, equipment and staff, chances are they will also need to pay for…
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Start Your Business in Ventura County

A Step-by-Step Guide to Start Your Business in Ventura County

Thanks to the dynamic start-up community and a conducive entrepreneurial ecosystem, Ventura County is now among the most strategically located counties in the U.S. to start a business. Some of…
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Tips for Building Business Relationships

Tips for Building Business Relationships in Ventura County

What do you need to do to retain your customers and grow your company in Ventura County? Your long-term success strategy should include building strong, lasting business relationships. Having a…
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Tourists Exploring Ventura County

Exploring the Hidden Gems of Ventura County- Part II

To pick up where we left off in our previous blog, let’s continue with our journey through Ventura County as we explore the cities of Fillmore, Moorpark, and Thousand Oaks.…
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Manager encouraging employee

6 Tips for Managers to Ensure Greater Employee Engagement at Work

The role of a manager in any business enterprise extends beyond understanding the on-job requirements and delegating the right job to the right person. An effective manager with great interpersonal…
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Basics of Business Plan

3 Basic Questions That Must Be Answered By Your Business Plan

What Is a Business Plan? A business plan is a written record of the functional and operational objectives of any business. It lays out a detailed framework of the business…
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Recruiting New Employee

How to Recruit Qualified New Employees for Your Business

Per the Society of Human Resource Management (SHRM), it takes an average of 68 days to recruit a new employee here in the U.S.  The exact duration depends on factors…
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Grow Your Business in Ventura County

10 Ways to Grow Your Business in Ventura County

Ventura County’s ten key cities Camarillo, Fillmore, Moorpark, Ojai, Oxnard, Port Hueneme, Thousand Oaks, Santa Paula, Simi Valley, and Ventura, offer a unique combination of highly skilled workers, financial stability,…
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Explore Ventura County

Exploring The Hidden Gems of Ventura County – Part I – Ojai, Santa Paula, and Port Hueneme

Located in the southern part of the state of California, Ventura County is known for its fertile valleys, picturesque geography, and beautiful climate. Ojai, Santa Paula, and Port Hueneme are…
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